Exploring Havasu: The Bridgewater Channel

Exploring Havasu: The Bridgewater Channel
Grace Usher / 24 Jan 2019 / No Comments » Comments

By Grace Usher

During the mid-1960s, Robert McCulloch devised a masterplan to bring his new community development to the next level. His vision combined the rough beauty of the desert the promise of a modern city for its residents.

The Bridgewater Channel as it was being filled with water after the London Bridge was built in Lake Havasu. photo courtesy Schimmel Family

The plan was to bring the already established Lake Havasu City closer to the water and connect the two ends of the lake. This was the Bridgewater Channel, the bridge way and home to the London Bridge.

Want to learn more about the history of the Bridgewater Channel Development? Click Here!

And Here too!

Though it is the waterway that is guarded by the London Bridge, the “Channel” –  as locals refer to it – is a hub of fun for every season.


During the holiday season, the Bridgewater Channel’s business community, The English Village, is adorned with the twinkling Festival of Lights and holiday cheer.

During this colder time of year, the Channel is home to the Boat Parade of Lights, and the swim across the Channel for those brave of heart and thick of skin.

English Village Lake Havasu Christmas Lights 2018

The English Village sparkles during the holidays. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Walk down the lighted arched walkway to the London Bridge Ice Skating Rink. Lake Havasu City may be a desert, but during the Christmas holidays, it is transformed into a Winter Wonderland.


Check it all! Bring it back to the ’90s vibes with Spring Break. Yeah, MTV may no longer be bringing the party to silver screens but boaters and party goers from colleges around the country still travel to town for their week of getaway fun.

Spring Break in Lake Havasu City. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

For March and April, the Channel is hopping and hollering.

At Kokomo Havasu, there is live music every night and springtime brings big artists to the beachfront stage.


Ah, the hottest time in the Bridgewater Channel (literally).

Time to break out those paddle boards, kayaks and pedal boats. Don’t have one? There are rental options available throughout the Channel.

The Bridgewater Channel on Memorial Weekend in Lake Havasu City, AZ. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Don’t forget the PWCs and boats of course. For those wanting to take a guided boat tour or  a cruise across the lake to Havasu Landing, those are also available. 

Year Round

Enter the English Village aligning the waters and be greeted by the oldest and largest fountain in the city.

Next door, pop into the Visitors Center to see old photographs of Lake Havasu beginnings, experience local art and get a guided tour to become a real expert of these parts.

Jan Kassies gives a tour of the Visitor’s Center under the London Bridge Wednesday afternoon. Photo courtesy Mark Russell

Further down are restaurants and shops galore. From beach bites, burgers, coffee, smoothies and ice cream, there is food for the whole family.

The shops cater to all types of people with an array of fun, fancy and collectible items.

No matter the weather, there is fun on shores of Bridgewater Channel.

The freestyle show and Parade of Nations take place in the Bridgewater Channel under the London Bridge during IJSBA. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

London Bridge Lake Havasu Christmas Lights

Along the shorelines of the Bridgewater Channel, English Village is decorated at Christmastime. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Lake Havasu

Teams compete yearly in the Pineapple Race in the Bridgewater Channel. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

riverscene havasu news events bridgewater channel

Hot Air Balloons float over the Bridgewater Channel Friday morning during the mass ascension. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Lake Havasu riverscene news bridgewater channel

A racing boat participates in the Desert Storm Boat Parade in the Bridgewater Channel. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene


For the latest news, photos, live videos, stories, and events around Lake Havasu City, check out our website at riverscenemagazine.com. You may also follow us on our social media: Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook page.


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