Citizen Spotlight: Lake Havasu Actor-Artist Makes His Mark

Citizen Spotlight: Lake Havasu Actor-Artist Makes His Mark
Nicole Matheson / 20 Aug 2019 / 2 Comments » Comments

By Nicole Matheson

Lights up! Music go! Alex Compomizzi to places!

Compomizzi is a 24-year-old local actor, artist and Havasuvian of nearly 20 years. For those who love theater or have been hanging out in Havasu’s burgeoning art scene then chances are they have seen or heard his name.

For almost half of his young life, Compomizzi has been enchanting audiences on the local Grace Arts Live theatre stage in a variety of roles. Not to be outdone by the stage spotlight, he can be found frequently producing his stunning artwork that is receiving some much-deserved attention.

RiverScene Magazine was fortunate to catch a few moments with this budding artist and performer to find out what inspires his seemingly endless creativity.

Musical Theater

Compomizzi credits his mother with being the catalyst in introducing what would later become his love of musical theatre.

“She wanted to get me out of the house and do something,” he said, while fitting a small lunch into his busy schedule. “She realized sports weren’t my thing.”

Alex Compomizzi performs in “Kiss Me Kate.” Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Upon seeing an audition notice for “Aladdin” in his freshman year, his mother encouraged Compomizzi to try out. He made it, but there were a few unknowns – the kind of unknowns that often come with a new adventure. He wasn’t expecting to enjoy singing and dancing. In fact, he remembers telling his mother, “Okay, as long as I don’t have to sing.” Little did he know it would become what he loves.

A fond memory Compomizzi remembers. “One rehearsal, my dad came early and listened to us. I remember being a little embarrassed, but I knew that we sounded good. I enjoyed the way that felt.” It would be a feeling that audience members would now experience with him.

Compomizzi’s charisma and experience have earned him many memorable roles on the stage, such as Will Parker in “Oklahoma”, which Compomizzi points out with a broad grin is his favorite role thus far.

Now, you will find him also auditioning with professional theater companies in California whenever he can to pursue his dreams of making a living at what he loves to do.

Art and Painting

Long before theatre, art was Compomizzi’s first passion in life as he recalls being a toddler and using the blank walls of his home as a canvas.

His late father was the inspiration for pursuing those talents which he had often set aside because of a lack of confidence.

Artwork by Alex Compomizzi

“My dad always wanted me to paint.” After his father’s passing, Compomizzi began art classes with Pam Reinke, a local art educator, who he says, “unlocked something in me.”

Gaining the confidence, he once lacked, Compomizzi seems certain there is nothing he can’t paint or draw if he puts his mind to it. “It’ll take time, but I can rise to the challenge now.” He considers his artwork to be abstract with influences of science fiction, but he also loves to paint landscapes and finds himself breaking his perceived artistic barriers.


With three jobs, in addition to art and theater, Compomizzi is a self-proclaimed “busy guy,” sometimes struggling to get it all done. He hopes that one day his artistic pursuits will sustain themselves through professional work, but he’s firm in his resolution to not become discouraged about the long road that lays ahead.

For some the chase is fame and fortune but he assures us, “It’s not about that. It’s about how you feel about doing it, what you get out of it, your love for it. I believe that.”

Being one of Havasu’s famous faces, Compomizzi has some advice for anyone who has ever sung in the shower or doodled or had a dream. “Take that leap of faith. It’s all about trying it out. And if you realize you’re not 100 percent good at something or you get told ‘no,’ if you love it, it’s still worth exploring. Persevere.”

What’s Next?

That’s a question only Compomizzi can answer but fans will likely be seeing him not only on stage again this fall at Grace Arts Live but also through his growing artistic catalogue, a catalogue that is sure to begin making Compomizzi a name that is spoken of more often in Lake Havasu City.

For more on Compomizzi, visit his Instagram page at @alexanderartshow.

Artwork by Alex Compomizzi

Artwork by Alex Compomizzi

2 Comments » Comments:

2 Responses to “Citizen Spotlight: Lake Havasu Actor-Artist Makes His Mark”

  1. Grace Ann says:

    Awesome article about Alex. He is a great talent and a very sweet person. He has a bright future!

  2. Jim says:

    Alex is also a joy to be around, and unfailingly generous in supporting his fellow actors. I can’t wait to see just how far he goes!

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