Havasu Residents Paint The Town Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness

Havasu Residents Paint The Town Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness
Janet Cruz / 21 Sep 2024 / No Comments » Comments

By Janet Cruz

It was a day of awareness and celebration at the inaugural Breast Cancer Awareness Walk hosted by the nonprofit Cancer Care Resource beneath the London Bridge In Lake Havasu, Saturday morning.

Cancer Care Resource,  is a newly formed nonprofit under the Heidi Edwards Cooking for Cancer Foundation. Previously, the group operated under the umbrella of the Community Health Foundation before forming the new organization and hosting the awareness fundraiser.

Participants were treated to coffee donated by Human Bean. Community members and city officials also took part in a rally at the London Bridge stage before embarking on the 1.4-mile walk.

Julie Wilson/RiverScene

“On this day we proclaim Breast Cancer Awareness Day, whereas all citizens support cancer survivors, and enjoy activities that increase awareness,” said Lake Havasu City Vice Mayor Cameron Moses, on behalf of Mayor Cal Sheehy as he addressed the crowd.

Survivors take to the stage. Photo by Julie Wilson/RiverScene

According to Cancer Care Resource volunteer Lisa Fuess, there were more than 200 participants. “We are still counting  so we don’t have those final numbers out since some came and registered this morning at the walk as well, but it was very well over that number,” Fuess said.

Survivors and those wanting to show their support for the cause were pleased with the turnout.

“I think it’s great for the community to come together and support,” said Lake Havasu resident Joyce Grady.

Some sponsors included Havasu Pest Control, Dynamite Roofing, UniSource Energy Services, Human Bean Coffee, The London Bridge Resort, and many others.

Proceeds from this walk will help support programs including free mammograms, cancer screenings, and  will provide essential assistance to cancer patients and their families during treatment.

Upcoming Cancer Care Resource  awareness events includes the 16th Annual Sleepless in Havasu event in partnership with Michael Alan Furniture and Design, set to take place Sept. 27.

For more information on the nonprofit Cancer Care Resource, visit its Facebook page or email the group at info@CancerCareResources.co.site.

Julie Wilson/RiverScene

Julie Wilson/RiverScene

Julie Wilson/RiverScene

Julie Wilson/RiverScene


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