By Janet Cruz
Have a business idea? Need a business boost?
Arizona State University (ASU) Lake Havasu, officially kicked off the annual HavaStartup Business Plan Competition at an informational session Tuesday night for individuals looking to improve their business idea.
HavaStartup is in its fifth year, and is organized by ASU at Lake Havasu in partnership with Lake Havasu Area Chamber of Commerce and The Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest (BBB).

Janet Cruz/ RiverScene
Those wishing to learn more about the competition and the process, attended a session in Santiago Hall, to hear from organizer Dr. Leepsa Nabaghan Madhabika,who is an Assistant Teaching Professor in Business Administration and Business Communication at ASU at Lake Havasu, Dr. Cristen Mann, Professor of Organizational Leadership and Communication at ASU, alongside past HavaStartup competition winner and current President and CEO of Lake Havasu Area Chamber Andrea Helart.
“If you have a new business idea, this is for you. We really want to catch people in the beginning stages or operating less than three years,” said Helart as she addressed the room.

President and CEO Lake Havasu Area Chamber Of Commerce Andrea Helart speaks to attendees at HavaStartup Information Session Tuesday night at ASU Lake Havasu/ Janet Cruz / RiverScene
The competition is organized to provide business owners or entrepreneurs the opportunity to improve their business ideas, products, prototype, services, etc., and help new and newly established businesses looking to create a business plan that will help grow their business and benefit Lake Havasu City.
“You will have to figure out what your business model is, and what you are trying to solve,” Dr. Leepsa Nabaghan Madhabika told the attendees.
Application process runs November 14 through January 19 where participants must share their business idea and explain how it will improve the local economy.
Those selected will advance to round two of the competition on March 1, 2024, when a required business plan will be due.
For more information, visit www.havasu.asu/havasustartup or email Dr. Leepsa Nabaghan Madhabika at
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