Christmas Tree Lane

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Christmas Tree Lane


Thanks to Radio Central, every year Lake Havasu residents and visitors are able to enjoy homes decorated with Christmas lights holiday season.

From a few lights to a few thousand, each participant in Christmas Tree Lane spent may hours and even months preparing their home for the list.

Here is the list sent in to RiverScene by Radio Central. Grab your hot cocoa, bundle up in your vehicles with your family and friends, and enjoy the Christmas Lane Tour.


*Alex  and Sara Dennen*
Traditional Christmas Lights
3099 Saratoga Avenue
Cross street:  Jamaica

*Bailey’s Paradise*
Light It Up!
2037 Chip Drive
Cross street:  Lake Havasu Avenue

*Chad Chadwick*
Christmas Giving in Desert Hills
3121 Michael Drive
Cross Street:  Pero

*Chris Boyd*
Winterness on Inverness
2773 Inverness Drive
Cross street:  Glengarry Drive

*Christmas Sparkles*
3169 El Dorado Avenue North
Cross street:  Bermuda

*Christopher Zickefoose*
3421 Oro Grande Boulevard
Cross Street:  Buena Vista

    *David and Glinde Jones*
251 Cottonwood Drive
lights to music

*Don and Diane Andrews*
4240 Comstock Drive
Cross street: Trotwood Drive

*Doug Mason*
The Same But Different
3581 El Ray/3581 El Toro
Cross Street:  Jamaica

*Frantz Family*
3432 Palo Verde N.
theme: Candy Cane Heaven
Cross Street: Kiowa

*Jerry Burd*
Christmas Fun
2910 Indian Land Drive
Cross Street:  Pony

*Jodi and Tom Krechmeier*
Mickey’s Candy Cane Lane
710 Thunderbolt Avenue
Cross Street:  Star

              *Joni and Savannah Snyder and Mitchell Kloewer*
3055 Ranchero Drive

*K and H*
Lollypop Christmas
2050 Mimosa Drive
Cross street:  Riviera or Acoma

*Leroy and Joyce Sayre*
To Grandma’s House We Go
2545 Ascot Drive
Cross Street:  Empress Drive

*Lights Around the Corner*
4032 North Star Drive
Cross Street:  McCulloch

*Magic Lights to Music*
3351 Kicking Horse Drive
Cross Street:  South Palo Verde Boulevard
Tami LaVelke

*McKellen Feldman*
Christmas Lights
2640 Paseo Dorado
Cross Street:  Edgewood Street

*Mr. and Mrs. Erickson*
Christmas Movies
3334 Thunderbird Drive
Cross Street:  Saratoga

*Pauline Scott*
The Snowman’s Family
2555 Castaway Drive
Cross Street:  Acoma

*Raelee Griswold*
Honoring Dad – Frank Dabney
3770 Sweetgrass Drive
Cross street:  Mohican Drive

*The Ruffinis*
Keep Christ in Christmas
2701 Cisco Drive North
Cross Street:  Smoketree

*The Sparks*
Sparks Wonderland
1535 McCulloch Court
Cross street:  McCulloch South Side

*Tommy and Ana Milligan*
Angel’s Among Us
665 Aloha Drive
Cross Street:  Chemehuevi  Boulevard

*3725 Cholla Dr Lake Havasu City AZ*

“Havasu’s Tallest Candy Cane”


*Action Spots*
Action Sports is Lighting Up Downtown
1651 N. McCulloch Blvd
Cross Street:  Lake Havasu Avenue

*London Bridge Resort*
1477 Queen’s Bay
Lights to music, decorations in the Resort and under the London Bridge

2105 McCulloch Blvd. N
*Santa will also be at Smallcakes December 9th and 16th from 12pm-3pm.

*Consign and Design Showplace*
2088 McCulloch Blvd. N
Decorated front store window

*Flying X Saloon*
Icicle Lights
2030 McCulloch Blvd. N
