Havastartup Contest For Aspiring Entrepreneurs Off And Running

Havastartup Contest For Aspiring Entrepreneurs Off And Running
Nicole Matheson / 27 Sep 2019 / 1 Comment » Comments

By Nicole Matheson

More than the storm excited Lake Havasu Wednesday night — the annual Havastartup Entrepreneurial Business Plan Competition officially began at ASU as eager participants learned the rules and details of the inspiring program. For those unable to attend, it’s not too late. Registration continues through Oct. 14.

Enthusiastic And Qualified Mentors

For those unfamiliar with Havastartup, RiverScene attended the information night meeting hosted by ASU and their business faculty lecturer Dr. Leepsa Nabaghan Madhabika.

While the rain poured outside, Nabaghan Madhabika spoke passionately about how important it is to stimulate Havasu’s economy with new business ideas and entrepreneurial endeavors, which is the overall goal of the contest.

Dr. Leepsa Nabaghan Madhabika speaks at the Havastartup Information meeting. Nicole Matheson/RiverScene

Other panel members include ASU Director Dr. Raymond Van Der Riet, President and CEO of Lake Havasu Area Chamber of Commerce Lisa Krueger, ASU Organizational Leadership instructor Dr. Cristen Mann, ASU Marketing instructor Dr. Diane Singer, and in Human Resources Dr. Rochelle Fain. This group of business minded individuals are available to help contest participants with their business plans and to guide them through the competition.

Dreams Made Reality

Those with innovative business ideas should take this opportunity to showcase their plans with like-minded people and business professionals who could help turn those dreams to reality.

The winner(s) receives $500 on top of exposure to get their business off of the ground. Teams up to six members are accepted as well, so aspiring business partners are welcome to collaborate on their project. 

“The first step is challenging, but once you move ahead and take that first step, then the rest will be much easier,” Madhabika said.

For more detailed information about the competition, including who’s eligible, the timeline, and registration information, visit https://havasu.asu.edu/havastartup

Nicole Matheson/RiverScene

1 Comment » Comments:

One Response to “Havastartup Contest For Aspiring Entrepreneurs Off And Running”

  1. Hello Nicole Matheson and Jillian Danielson,

    I would like to express our gratitude for your excellent coverage of Information Night of Havastartup 2019. The positive exposure you gave on the event news segment provided the community with a nice introduction to our goals and initiatives for conducting the business plan competition for the first time by ASU@Lake Havasu. Please extend my thanks to everyone involved.


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