Classic cars, music and lots of holiday cheer filled the air at the 8th Annual Toy Drive and Car show at Interagency Council last weekend.
The drive is hosted every year by Havasu Classics Car Club and organized by Loyd and Karen Ames, in partnership with Interagency Council of Lake Havasu City.
“This event is awesome because this town is so a giving,” said Karren Ames with Havasu Classics Car Club. “The residents in this town are just amazing.”
The Club also provided beautiful cars on display at the corner of Mesquite Avenue and Rivera Drive while the community dropped off canned goods and unwrapped toys.
Local resident Tee Taylor who emceed the event, also entertained the crowd by providing some hip classic music tunes.
“I have been volunteering every year for three years now at this event,” said Taylor. “I just Love it.”
Canned foods along with monetary donations and frozen turkeys were some of the most needed items requested by the organization. Unwrapped toys for disadvantaged children were also collected at the event.
Interagency’s Community Food Bank provides boxes of food every month to low-income families who are in need of food to prepare healthy meals. the organization also provides many services to the community which include youth services, financial, a food bank and educational services.
“It’s wonderful that we are able to have an event like this one thanks to Havasu Classics who come down and help organize this and bring their cars along,” said Michael Eigenbrodt, Interagency CEO. “This is the time when we need donations the most.”
To donate, or for more information about Interagency Council of Lake Havasu City, visit, or call 928-453-5800.
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