By Becky Maxedon
For those who labor throughout each year to ensure the success of the annual Anderson Toyota Lake Havasu Balloon Festival and Fair, Wednesday morning was the time to share the fruits of that labor with the Lake Havasu City nonprofit community.
Checks were presented to nonprofits at Pima Wash by several community service organizations including Lake Havasu Rotary Club, Daybreakers Lions Club, London Bridge Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club of Lake Havasu City, and Sunrise Rotary Club.
This year, donations totaling $250,000 will be distributed to more than 60 organizations throughout the community.
Fred Robbins, of the Kiwanis Club of Lake Havasu City said, “We’ve been involved for three years going on our fourth. We have a person in charge of a golf tournament that’s been very successful. We have a person in charge of the 5K/10K that started out with only about 50 runners and now we’re up more than 300.”
Robbins said the 5K/10K was one of the biggest fundraisers of last year.
In addition to events, Robbins said Kiwanis volunteers help provide ice that is delivered to the balloon festival, working gate sales and store sales.
“We make over 100 paper balloons, and we are so happy to be involved with this. I hope everybody comes out and enjoys it next year,” he said.
Marrilyn Thompson, of HAVAdopt Children’s Christmas Project, was one of this year’s recipients.
“We service many children in need during the holiday season. The first year, we had 123 kids and last year, we had 168 kids. It means a lot to make sure they have a merry and bright Christmas,” she said.
Planning for next year’s festival is already underway and Havasu community nonprofits will benefit once more from the generosity of the city’s service organizations.
The following organizations distributed checks so far this year:
Kiwanis Club of Lake Havasu:
First Things First
Clothes Closet
Adaptive Golf and Other Sports
Cooking for Cancer
LHC Parks and Recreation
LHC Police Department Bicycle Rodeo
Key Club Scholorships
Literacy Council
Havasu Community Food Bank
Sea Scouts
Cub Scout Pack 85
Boy Scout Troop 85
Lake Havasu City Rotary Club:
Rotary Interact
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
Arizona Children’s Association
Cancer Association of Havasu
Faith and Grace
Hospice of Havasu
K-12 Foundation
Kids on the Colorado River
Lake Havasu Cares Program
Lake Havasu Chiefs Youth Football
Lake Havasu City Firefighters
Lake Havasu City Police Cadet
Lake Havasu City Veterans Court
Lake Havasu Lighthouse Club
Lake Havasu Athletic Department
Lake Havasu School District Rachael’s Challenge
Daybreakers Lions Club:
Hospice of Havasu
Havasu Community Health Foundation
New Horizons
K-12 Foundation
LHC Parks & Rec (After School Program)
LHC Parks & Rec (Spring Break)
Haven House/Food 4 Kids
Senior Center/Meals on Wheels
Lake Havasu Food Bank
St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank
Our Lady of the Lake Soup Kitchen
MCC Foundation/Scholarships
LHHS Scholarships
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School/STEM Program
Minions/Robotic Club Competition Trip
DAV Chapter 27/Veteran’s Assistance
Pregnancy Care
Faith & Grace
Clothes Closet
Military Moms
Mohave County Sheriff K-9
Lake Havasu Museum
Lake Havasu Genealogical Society
Lake Havasu Special Olympics
Lake Havasu High School Future Business Leaders
Lake Havasu High School Booster Club
Lake Havasu High School Key Club
Telesis Key Club
Lions Club International Foundation/Melvin Jones………………………………….$1,000
Lions Camp Tatiyee…………………………………………………………………………………..$1,500
Eye Glass Program………………………………………………………………………………………$2,000

The Anderson Toyota Havasu Balloon Festival presents checks to local non-profits Wednesday. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
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