Lakeview Terrace Memory Care Hosting Drive-Thru Fundraiser for Humane Society

Lakeview Terrace Memory Care Hosting Drive-Thru Fundraiser for Humane Society
Nicole Matheson / 14 Aug 2020 / No Comments » Comments

By Nicole Matheson

Lake Havasu City may be famous for the lake and even the summer heat, but citizens know that Havasu’s worth lies within its heart. A new effort to help the Western Arizona Humane Society set at Lakeview Terrace Memory Care with a drive-thru fundraiser on Aug. 18.

Events and Volunteer Coordinator Brandi Engler shares that the Humane Society has a staggering number of animals it cares for. “We have at this time 90 cats, some of them are not up for adoption because they’re not ready. And then we have 80 dogs.”

Because of the pandemic, the Humane Society has special rules in effect for visiting and adopting animals. “It is by appointment only,” says Engler, and she advises those who are interested to “go to our website and they can look up the animals on our website. We keep our website updated with all of our dogs and cats. So once they find an animal they’re interested in then they call us and they can set up an appointment to do a meet and greet with those animals.”

Skipper is available for adoption. photo courtesy WAHS

What Is Needed

For those who are unable to adopt an animal, there are still ways to help. This fundraiser is specifically asking for desperately needed blankets, Pedigree dry dog food for small dogs and puppies, dry cat chow and canned kitten food. Toys and treats are also welcomed. 

Sarah Stinnett at Lakeview Terrace heads the fundraiser. She said, “It got started because with COVID, obviously having group events is not allowed. So we’ve been doing a couple different drive-thru events.” 

Now it’s the Humane Society’s turn for a fundraiser, says Stinnett. “We usually do a big fundraiser for them every year. And so this is kind of our way of implementing a fundraiser while still following COVID restrictions.”

Rascal is available for adoption. photo courtesy WAHS

To Donate

From 7 to 9:30 a.m., charitable persons may drop off their goods, which will be immediately taken to the Humane Society following the event. For those who can’t make that time but still wish to donate, Stinnett said, “The London Bridge Golf Course has a drop off box at their club house. So if they wanted to go and drop off now up until Monday before the event, they are able to do it there in case they’re not able to make it for the event day itself.”

Lakeview Terrace Memory Care is located on 320 North Lake Havasu Ave., and to enter the donation drive-thru they ask to please use the side entrance on Papago Aug. 18, from 7 to 9:30 a.m.

To visit the Western Arizona Humane Society’s website, the address is

Tabi is available for adoption. photo courtesy WAHS

photo RSM team


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