Sponsored Content By Becky Maxedon
Leadership and employment opportunities in “the trades” – mechanic, carpenter, plumber and so many more – used to be almost exclusively populated by males, but glass ceilings are breaking.
Female empowerment was on full display recently in Phoenix, San Diego and virtually, when Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest (BBB) hosted its 5th Annual Industrious Women’s Summit. The event coincided with the celebration of Women’s Equality Day in the United States.
The summit put the spotlight on women performing at peak levels in jobs that have been traditionally carved out for men.
Among the goals of the event were for attendees to leave with new strategies for success, knowledge of how to maintain company culture and tips to reshape the perception of women in male-dominated industries. The summit featured discussions on popular topics such as leadership, professional growth and best practices as a business owner or employee. This year’s theme was “Taking the Lead.”
Two businesswomen from Lake Havasu City were part of the speaker panels – Amanda Zink, President of Air Control Home Services and Stephanie Lueras, President of Heart and Sole Fitness and Wellness. Additionally, Naomi Bradbury Marchand from Bradbury Memorial Center was a panelist with Amanda on Reshaping Male Dominated Industries.
“I had the pleasure of sitting on a panel with two other women. The topic of the panel was ‘Taking the Lead: Reshaping Male Dominated Industries,’ Zinc said.
“The discussion was about how we came to be in the industries we are, why, and what it has been like to be in a male-dominated industry. It was interesting to hear the differing perspectives and what it was like for each of us to earn leadership roles in these industries,” Zinc said.
Zinc shared one of her biggest takeaways was that there are some “seriously remarkable women out there doing some big things in industries that traditionally women were not a part of.”
She said, “It was inspiring. Sometimes as a leader in a male-dominated industry, it can feel kind of lonely. The BBB Industrious Women’s Summit reminded me that connecting with a fellow woman that has been through similar things can be empowering.”
Zinc said her advice for women entering any type of leadership role is to connect with a woman mentor or a confidant in an equal position.
“I think traditionally women, especially in male-dominated industries, have this belief that they need to be strong and confident. And while that is important, sometimes it just feels good to admit there are vulnerabilities and insecurities, too,” she said. Zinc encouraged those in business to engage with BBB.
“They have so many resources that businesses can take advantage of,” she said.
Stephanie Lueras is the president of Heart and Sole Fitness and Wellness LLC, in Lake Havasu City. Lueras is a Body Positive ACE certified personal trainer, orthopedic and fitness nutrition specialist and was also a panel speaker.
“I talked about the importance of self-care in the workplace as we interact in a male-dominated industry,” she said.
Lueras participated in the event last year and was honored to be selected as a speaker this year.
“This really empowers women to shine where they are and to really be who they are,” she said.
“It encourages women who are in positions that are traditionally held by men to be themselves, to really shine and show there is a place for them,” she said.
Lueras said she has worked with BBB in so many ways and has participated in numerous workshops and business educational opportunities.
“They help me learn how to run my business with integrity,” she said.
“At BBB, we’re proud to offer resources and education to help underserved populations thrive in their business journey, including women, veterans and international entrepreneurs. It’s truly our honor to engage with our local community and shine a light on the Lake Havasu City businesswomen who are setting the stage for success, like Amanda, Stephanie and so many others,” said Kryistyna Hook, Director of Media Relations for Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest.
BBB encourages businesses to operate with integrity and helps consumers make wise marketplace decisions. Its innovative approach to business growth provides the tools companies and entrepreneurs need to build better businesses.
By working side by side with industry experts, they unite with a common goal.
Become BBB Accredited and join the mission to create a community of trustworthy businesses.
For more information, call 602-240-3970 or visit bbb.org.
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