By Becky Maxedon
The Havasu Community Health Foundation and the Havasu Dementia Connection are busy preparing for the 9th Annual Movin’ For Memory walk that will take place Nov. 4.
“It’s going to be under the bridge and we’re going to have hamburgers and hot dogs at Burgers By The Bridge. We’re going to have a DJ,” said one of the organizers and member of Havasu Dementia Connection Vilma Urbina.
Devin White, also with Dementia Connection, said they are looking for sponsorships. There are four levels of sponsorship – Diamond $1,500; Platinum $1,000; Gold $500; and Bronze $250.
“Each person or business that does a sponsorship will have a vendor table,” White said. Organizers are also looking for raffle baskets from local businesses.
The theme is “Throw-Back T-shirt.”
“You clan wear your favorite T-shirt from past years’ events, and we have visors this year to give out,” White said.
Registration is $20 and will begin at 7-7:30 a.m., Nov. 4. Registration includes for the first 250 participants a visor and lunch provided by Burgers By The Bridge.
For more information about sponsorship or raffle baskets, email
For more information or to register online, visit

Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
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