Lake Havasu High School and organizer Doug Esmay are set to support those battling cancer and those who lost their battle by hosting a Relay for Life Fundraiser April 24 through April 25 at 6 p.m.
“This is actually my first year in the role of organizing such an event. However, I have participated in Relay For Life and have been a team captain for five years prior to this,” said Esmay.
“This year, we have an amazing committee planning the event. As a committee, we have made our commitment for more participants, more teams, more fun and more education which will all add up to more money raised than in prior years.”
In order to raise awareness and fund raise to end cancer, The American Cancer Society Relay For Life has been one of the world’s largest events and fundraisers bringing communities around the world together to remember loved ones lost to cancer and to also celebrate people who have battled the disease. Its goal is to raise funds to help end cancer.
“The main reason I do this is because I passionately believe a cure is coming,” said Esmay.
“The only way this will happen is through research funded by the American Cancer Society and other entities.”
Local Relay For Life teams will begin the night with a celebration of survivors and their caregivers and will honor them with a special dinner catered by Rebel Barbecue.
“We will continue the festivities with games and theme laps each hour. Some games will be about education, some for funding and some for fun,” said Esmay.
In the middle of the night, participants we also will have a time of remembrance in honor of those lost to cancer and those who are fighting or who have the battle with a special luminaria ceremony.
The event will be at Lake Havasu High School located at 2675 Palo Verde Blvd. S.
For more information or to get involved, contact Doug Esmay at 928-486-6291 or sign up at
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