This is the first of an occasional series of local Havasu band spotlight stories by Joey Mena.
The Borrowers is a local four-piece band that must be experienced live to appreciate.
The Borrowers features Jake Hoffman on drums, Elliot Siedel on bass, Kyle Roberts on keys/guitar, and
Cameron Marin on guitar/vocals.
Their sound that is best experienced live; videos and recordings can’t even begin to capture the band’s
powerful, captivating energy. It’s easy to get lost in the music for one moment, then sing in the next.
Each member of the band contributes something special to give The Borrowers such a unique and
enjoyable sound.
RSM: Tell me about the band.
Borrowers: We are the four elements: earth, wind, water, and fire. Each is essential but if you have too much of us, you’ll die.
RSM: So, how long have you guys been an official band?
Borrowers: One year.
RSM: What got you guys into music?
CM: My brother left VH1 on one day, and I heard “Separate Ways, Worlds Apart” by Journey. That did it for me.
JH: I remember hearing “Walk On the Wild Side” by Lou Reed and I can thank my father for that.
KR: There was this photo. I saw a man covered in sweat; his hand was bloody from playing his guitar too hard. And that man was Jack White.
ES: My dad, he taught me “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath on bass before I had ever even heard it.
RSM: What’s the best part about being in this band?
Borrowers: There is no rhyme or reason. We all bring different elements, and they are all key to the sound you hear. Jake is the weird, Elliot is the structure, Cameron is the glass that holds it all together, and Kyle
is the cherry on top.
RSM: Take me through your writing process.
Borrowers: Cameron will bring a skeleton, and together we bring it to life. When we perform separately, it’s nothing like the band. So it’s very nice and refreshing when we all pull it together and I think people
can feel that in our songs.
RSM: Do you guys have an LP or EP?
Borrowers: We are actually working on getting an EP done. It’s hard utilizing money and time, but it is in the works. We will be in the studio this month with Sam Brindis.
RSM: How many years have you each been playing music?
JH: 11 years
KR: 12 years, and what a long, strange trip it’s been.
ES: 15 years
CM: From the womb to my tomb!
JM: What’s next for the Borrowers, any shows?
Borrowers: At the moment, we are focusing on getting this EP into something tangible, but we will have a show at Street Side Coffee on Feb. 20.

The Borrowers Joey Mena/RiverScene
Check out the borrowers on:
Instagram: @we_are_the_borrowers Facebook: [1]
Tinder: “We always swipe right, we will woo you then do you”
You can also find some of their live music on YouTube. Just search “the
borrowers tonight”
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