City Press Release: Public Comment Needed on City Transportation Plan

Lake Havasu City, AZ – The Lake Havasu Metropolitan Planning Organization is hosting a public information meeting to share updated information and request public input on Lake Havasu City’s first Regional Transportation Plan. The meeting will be held on Thursday, July 23, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Lake Havasu City Police Facility Meeting Room, 2360 McCulloch Boulevard, North. A brief presentation will be conducted during the meeting.

The goals of the Regional Transportation Plan are to support local and regional growth, promote economic vitality and community livability, provide alternatives to driving, and improve freight movement. The Plan will be a key document in managing this growing region’s mobility.

The public meeting, the second in a series of three, will feature an update on the planning process and information on the current and future needs of the region. Study team representatives are seeking input from members of the community on what types of transportation improvements they think would be effective to move the community into the future.

Study team representatives will be available to discuss the planning process and answer your questions on a one-on-one basis. Public input is an important part of the process and community members are encouraged to share ideas as it helps the study team make informed decisions.

Members of the community that are not able to attend the public meeting can still participate in the process. All public meeting materials will be available to view online, and comments and questions can also be summited through the website. Please visit the study website at:

Persons needing special accommodations, such as a language interpreter, are asked to contact Alexandra Albert at 602-530-1697 or at least 48 hours in advance of the open house.

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