Lake Havasu City veterans are having a hard time coping with cancellation of important events and the usual camaraderie they enjoy outside the COVID-19 crisis.
“Our veterans have been shortchanged during these trying times. We have missed out on special Veterans events, such as Vietnam Veterans Day, our monthly meetings. Most Military Organizations have nominations and elections of Officers for the coming year that have been postponed until a later date,” Sisto Sandoval, VVA975 DAV, Associate MCL, American Legion, PGR, AZVHOF2018 said in an email.
Sandoval said the Vietnam Veterans of America 975 held an online meeting with its officers and board members to hold elections of officers.
“Our biker groups miss out on getting together for runs.”
One of the important events for veterans is The Run to The Wall to Washington, D.C. It has been cancelled.
“A lot of our own Lake Havasu veterans rode on that ride to honor our fallen, That, in turn, cancelled the luncheon for these riders at the I40 & Hwy 95,” Sandoval said.
Even as Lake Havasu’s military organizations are unable to meet and assist each other’s needs, Sandoval said there are many who continue to suffer.
“We need to let them know that we are still here for them within our communities. Our military organizations in Mohave County are open to assist our brothers and sisters who proudly served,” he said.
Sandoval wants all area veterans to know he is there for them.
“If you need me for any reason, I will do my best to direct you to the right resource. You can contact me at 928-680-1597 please leave a message. I am hard of hearing, so it takes me a while to read what you’re saying on my Captel phone. With this virus, I don’t always get a person to print the message once a call is made so bear with me,” he said.
“You served, now let us serve you. It was through your service that I enjoy my freedom, thank you. You are not forgotten. God bless you,” Sandoval said.
RiverScene Magazine wanted to reach out to the Lake Havasu Veterans, Blue and Gold Star Moms, and active Military to let them know they’re thought of. Here are some photos taken of Havasu veteran’s celebrations over the years by RiverScene Magazine photographers. Thank you to all who have served and who are currently serving.

Charlie Marquez attends the Vietnam Veterans dinner Thursday evening at the London Bridge Resort. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

The Lake Havasu Military Moms salute the flag during a Memorial Day ceremony. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Roz Naylor at 93 years old, holding a photo of herself when she enlisted in the Marine Corps League at age of 20. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

The Lake Havasu Military Moms present Gregory Arceo a signed flag Saturday at the deployment ceremony. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

American Legion, Eagles, and Patriot Guard Riders join together for the song “God Bless the USA.” Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Judy Lacey, your RiverScene Magazine family thanks you for your time with us, and we will never forget you. Thank you for all you did for our veterans and RSM. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

In honor of those in the military that have left us all too soon. Thank you for your service. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
Great photos. Nice to see the ones with Judy!