Pond Hopper Nation teamed up with professional angler Roy Hawk Saturday morning to teach children how to fish. Volunteers set up at Mesquite Bay, Lake Havasu State Park, and Site Six to assist the kids with their new fishing poles that were donated to them.
Violet Stopke goes fishing on the Mesquite Bay docks Saturday morning. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
Phoenix Rivers goes fishing on the Mesquite Bay docks Saturday morning. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
Griffin McCormack goes fishing on the Mesquite Bay docks Saturday morning. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
The Molyneux family goes fishing for the first time in Lake Havasu Saturday morning. The family recently moved to Lake Havasu from England. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
Frankie Yorba gets ready to go fishing during “Teach a Child to Fish” day at Mesquite Bay. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene
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