Lake Havasu City’s Water Resources Department Awards The Shops With Certificate

Lake Havasu City’s Water Resources Department Awards The Shops With Certificate
Becky Maxedon / 11 Oct 2017 / No Comments » Comments

Lake Havasu City’s Water Conservation Specialist Brianna Morgan was on hand Wednesday to present the Shops at Lake Havasu with the third certificate celebrating its water conservation efforts.

“We’re here to honor our third award winner certification for water conservation. To basically recognize individuals and businesses throughout the community that have made strides and efforts toward water conservation,” Morgan said.

She said the Shops at Lake Havasu had reduced its water consumption by 42 percent. “Back in 2014, their consumption at a peak was at about 500,000 cubic feet. Their peak this year dropped all the way down to about 250,000 cubic feet,” she said.

The Shops has reduced its landscaping and implemented the proper landscaping and the kind of irrigation it is using, she said.

“The biggest issue I find with folks in this particular community doesn’t understand desert landscaping pertaining to Lake Havasu specifically. Often times, we have problems where people mimic landscaping from places like Las Vegas or Tucson but those places have higher elevation and lower dramatic temperatures. So overall the plants that can survive here and do well with minimum water use is very different.

The first certificate award winner was Beachcomber Estates for a similar situation. “They reduced their landscaping but they took out a lot of oleander. Our second award winner was Mudshark Brewery. They reused a lot of their RO waste and reused that to clean the machinery in their brewery,” Morgan said.

Michelle Misurelli, Shops property manager said, “I’m excited to be recognized by the city but I would also point out that it’s a lot of hard work and it’s a daily effort. I would also like to recognize Brad Dodd.

Dodd is the owner of Asics Landscaping who works with the Shops on a daily basis to make sure that they are moving forward with all its conservation, Misurelli said.

One of seven sculptures created by Mark Sinek for The Shops at Lake Havasu. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene


One of seven metal sculptures created by Mark Sinek for The Shops At Lake Havasu. photo courtesy The Shops At Lake Havasu.

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