Lake Havasu Tests More Than 100 Intrepid Polar Bear Wannabes

Lake Havasu Tests More Than 100 Intrepid Polar Bear Wannabes
Becky Maxedon / 19 Jan 2022 / No Comments » Comments

Although one could argue it would be impossible for polar bears to survive in the Lake Havasu City warn winters, some wannabes gave it their best shot Sunday.

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

The Havasu Boat and Ski Club sponsored the 49th Annual Polar Plunge Sunday at London Bridge Beach.

Plungers began their intrepid feat at noon when 130 entrants took part in the event that always draws a crowd.

Enjoy the photos of the 2022 Polar Plunge.

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScene Magazine/Samantha Zasadil

RiverScehe Magazine Samantha Zasadil

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