By Becky Maxedon
Some Lake Havasu City folks said they “leave town” when the heat rises to its current levels.
Some said on RiverScene Magazine social media they headed down to Parker for the annual tube float.
Some hit the road to the Hualapais. Some hit the couch with a cool one in the air-conditioned comfort of their homes, while some hit their pools with a cool one.

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As the “Heat Dome” along with its excessive heat warnings continues for the next couple of days, it’s important to remember some of the heat-safety measures to take and take a look at how Havasuvians are coping with the “warmer-than-normal” temperatures keep the area toasty.
The National Weather Services suggests the following heat-care precautions:
Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.
Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening hours. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.

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Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.
Keep up with the latest temperature and heat index forecasts and current readings (take actions to stay cool and safe when the temperature hits 85 degrees or the heat index hits 90 degrees). Know the warning signs of a heat illness, and how you can stay cool.
Act quickly when a heat illness is suspected. Seek medical attention immediately for any of these warning signs: cramping, rapid pulse, heavy sweating, hot red skin, dizziness, confusion, nausea, vomiting.
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