Ride Havasu brought the holidays to assisted living facilities in Lake Havasu City with its third annual SXS Seniors event last Friday.
This event is meant to show the support of those facilities throughout Lake Havasu and to the seniors who live there.
To show their Christmas members decorate their SxS, trucks, motorcycles and jeeps using lights, inflatables, gift boxes, wrapping paper and anything else that can be zip tied on their “sleighs.”
Members visit 10 different locations where they drop off “Santa Bags” filled with enough gifts for each resident. The bags contain a fuzzy blanket, fuzzy socks and a soft-back puzzle book.
The club begins collecting donations in November from local businesses and then assemble the bags. Last year, the group gave out more than 300 gifts and this year – 640.
“We travel through town going to 10 different locations. We drive through the facilities and homes slowly so they can enjoy the lights, music, laughter and smiles. Honestly, their smiles and waving means more to us than they know,” said SxS member Don Arnold.
“When I contact the coordinators of the facilities they are so happy we are coming back, they cannot say enough about how the residents and staff members look forward to us coming, the music, the lights and the Christmas Spirit,” he said.
Arnold expressed gratitude to all who donated and volunteered to organize the event.
For those who would like to join Ride Havasu, visit the Facebook Group page.
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