Robbie and Lerissa Britton along with Jenna and Bobby Britton, Breylin Poole and Kharisa Dermedy took a trip up to the Hualapai Mountains outside Kingman, to play in the snow.
While they were there, the Brittons shoveled snow into the back of their truck, which took an hour while the kids were sledding. “I thought to myself, I’m gonna be sore tomorrow,” Lerissa Britton said.
“When we got home, Robbie shoveled the snow right from his truck into the front yard. Took the kids about about a half hour to build it Sunday night.”
Monday morning, the snowman was still standing in the front yard and according to Larissa, people have been driving up El Dorado N. all morning to stop and take photos before it melts.
Lerissa also redecorated the snowman Monday morning, adding a beach hat.
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