By Becky Maxedon
Living life on a virtual scale has become the norm throughout the world over the past several months. People have been visiting each other on many virtual platforms. Businesses have been conducting meetings the same way. Virtual Happy Hours have blossomed while people – who are social animals – have been getting together for fun.
And museums throughout the world have been conducting virtual tours of their facilities as well. So why not a Lake Havasu Museum of History Virtual Tour?
That is exactly what will happen Friday at 1 p.m. on the Lake Havasu Museum of History Facebook page.
The tour will be led by longtime museum volunteer and educator Jenny Anderson.
Anderson said the idea is to engage residents with resources available in Lake Havasu City.
“This tour will highlight what people see when they come to the museum,” Anderson said. She indicated it will be a great way to engage teachers and students in the history of the community as well.
In addition to seeing the permanent exhibits at the museum, volunteers have been working to mount the favorite Summer Fun For Kids exhibit that will be ready to go when the museum reopens when the all-clear signal is given.
Every year, the museum features popular hands-on interactive fun for kids to enjoy during the summer months.
Along with the well-loved activities like searching for fossils, adopting a pet rock and learning about the desert environment, some new activities and educational exhibits have been added.
Anderson said there will be a Build a Bridge activity in preparation for the 50-year anniversary of the London Bridge being relocated to Lake Havasu City.
There will be an exhibit that explains how watersheds work to provide water to local communities.
“We will have a balance of the biologic and environmental activities as well as the geological history and makeup of the planet,” Anderson said.
And just for fun, there will be a 4-foot floor puzzle featuring marine life to assemble and learn from.
The virtual tour of the museum Friday is the perfect activity for kids, families and all who would like to visit the Lake Havasu Museum of History from home. The tour will be available to view on Facebook or YouTube after the original taping to watch again and to share with friends.
Parents and teachers and anyone with questions should email the museum at for more information and/or to receive a scavenger hunt and a question sheet to accompany the tour. And when the museum reopens when it is safe to do so, please plan on visiting in person.
The Lake Havasu Museum of History is located at 320 London Bridge Road.
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