‘Tis the season for driving around Lake Havasu to look at Christmas lights and drink hot cocoa!
For those wishing to list their decorated house on RiverScene’s Christmas Lights of Havasu map, please email the name, address, times the lights will be on , and name of the light display to jilliandanielson5@gmail.com by Dec. 1.
In the email, please add “Christmas Lights of Havasu” in the headline. Businesses owners, if the outside of your business is decorated, you may submit that also and join in the fun.
RiverScene’s interactive map and list will then be posted on the website soon after that. The link to the list will be also published on Instagram and Facebook as soon as it is ready.
Your house just may end up in one of our RiverScene Christmas Lights photo galleries. Whether it’s 50 lights or 500,000, we can’t wait to see your holiday spirit for all to enjoy!
Here are a few houses from 2019.
Samantha Zasadil/RiverScene
Just incase my email doesn’t go through. Todd Hardy. 3396 Monte Carlo Ave. Will have our lights up again this year.
Jodi Krehmeier
710 Thunderbolt Ave
Mickeys Candy Cane Lane
Are lights will be on.