RiverScene Magazine Lake Havasu City

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  • RiverScene Magazine Lake Havasu City

RiverSceneMagazine.com was launched in January 2015 during the Lake Havasu Balloon Festival. Making everything run smoothly is the RSM Team, which is comprised of talented content creators living and working right here in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.

Our focus is to bring media rich community Lake Havasu news and positive stories about the people, places, and organizations that make living in Lake Havasu amazing. We are passionate about our home, our community, and we want to share it with you.

Daily, we share stories of amazing people and organizations on riverscenemagazine.com and our app. We also showcase Lake Havasu news and videos on social media including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter. Our online publication focuses on three (3) key areas of the community:

Special Event Coverage – Spotlight Stories – Community Guides
