Vietnam Veteran’s Day BBQ

Vietnam Veteran’s Day BBQ
Jillian Danielson / 30 Mar 2015 / No Comments » Comments

Veterans gathered at London Bridge Beach, Sunday afternoon in honor of their fallen friends and family during the Vietnam War. A BBQ was served to honor those in attendance and those that served in the military were given special commemorative Vietnam Veterans coins.

Thank you, Vietnam Veterans for your service from RiverScene Magazine, and welcome home!

A BBQ was served at the Vietnam Veteran's Day which was held at London Bridge Beach. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

A BBQ was served at the Vietnam Veteran’s Day which was held at London Bridge Beach. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Wendall Shirk displays his coin that he received at the bbq. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

Wendall Shirk displays his coin that he received at the bbq. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

"Weird Harold" , Wendell and Judy Shirk stand in line for their  burgers at the Vietnam Veteran's BBQ Sunday afternoon. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

“Weird Harold” , Wendell and Judy Shirk stand in line for their burgers at the Vietnam Veteran’s BBQ Sunday afternoon. Jillian Danielson/RiverScene

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